What Happens When You Eat Dry Ice? – From Cool to Critical

Dry ice, a solid form of carbon dioxide, has always been a subject of intrigue and curiosity. While it’s commonly used for its cooling properties, especially in shipping perishable items, many wonder about its effects when consumed.

Dry ice is not your typical ice. Unlike the cubes in your freezer, dry ice doesn’t melt into a liquid but sublimates directly into a gas.

Composition and Properties

Dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxide (CO2), a gas that’s naturally present in our atmosphere. Here’s what sets it apart:

  • Temperature: Dry ice is extremely cold, with a surface temperature of about -78.5°C (-109.3°F).
  • Sublimation: Unlike regular ice, dry ice doesn’t melt. It turns directly from a solid to a gas, a process called sublimation.

Carbon dioxide is heavier than air, so when dry ice sublimates, the CO2 gas tends to stay close to the ground. This is why you often see a foggy layer hovering over stages during theatrical performances where dry ice is used.

Common Uses

Dry ice has a myriad of applications, some of which might surprise you:

  • Food Preservation: Its extreme cold makes it ideal for shipping perishable items like seafood or chocolates.
  • Medical Shipments: Vaccines and other medical supplies that require cold storage are often shipped with dry ice.

In addition to these, dry ice is used in cloud seeding, cleaning, and even for creating spooky effects during Halloween!

The Dangers of Consuming Dry Ice

While dry ice might look fascinating, consuming it can be perilous.

Immediate Physical Harm

Swallowing dry ice can cause immediate and severe damage. Here’s why:

  • Extreme Cold: The intense chill can lead to frostbite affecting the tongue, and tissues within the mouth, throat, and stomach. If you are interested in finding out more about body organs check our article about the tendon.
  • Gas Expansion: As dry ice sublimates, it expands. If ingested, this expansion can lead to internal injuries or even rupture of the stomach or intestines.

It’s crucial to understand that even a small piece of dry ice can cause significant harm. If someone is suspected of ingesting dry ice, seeking immediate medical attention is paramount.

Long-Term Health Implications

Beyond the immediate physical dangers, there are potential long-term health risks associated with ingesting dry ice:

  • Respiratory Issues: Inhaling concentrated CO2 can lead to difficulty breathing, as it displaces the oxygen in the air.
  • Acidosis: High levels of CO2 can lead to a condition called respiratory acidosis, where the blood becomes too acidic.

These health implications underscore the importance of handling dry ice with care and ensuring it’s kept out of reach of children.

Myths and Misconceptions Surrounding

How to Use Dry Ice Like a Boss

With its mystical appearance, dry ice has been the subject of many myths.

“Eating Dry Ice Can Freeze Your Insides”

While it’s true that dry ice is extremely cold, the idea that it can freeze your internal organs is a bit of an exaggeration. Here’s the reality:

  • Rapid Sublimation: Dry ice turns into gas quickly, especially when in contact with the warmer environment of the human body.
  • Limited Contact: If someone were to swallow dry ice, it would likely cause localized frostbite to the tissues it directly contacts, but it wouldn’t “freeze” the entire organ system.

However, this doesn’t mean it’s safe to consume. As mentioned earlier, the real dangers lie in tissue damage and gas expansion.

“You Can Safely Consume in Drinks”

Many have seen the smoky effect of dry ice in cocktails and assume it’s safe. While it can be used in beverages for visual effects:

  • Wait for Dissipation: You should never drink a beverage while the dry ice is still active and producing smoke. Wait until it has fully sublimated.
  • Size Matters: Larger chunks are less likely to be accidentally swallowed than smaller pellets.

Always exercise caution and ensure that the dry ice has fully sublimated before consuming the drink.

The Science Behind Dry Ice Sublimation

Dry Ice Sublimating

Dry ice’s ability to transition directly from a solid to a gas is both fascinating and unique. But what’s the science behind this phenomenon?

Sublimation is the process by which certain substances transition from a solid state directly to a gaseous state, bypassing the liquid phase. Factors that contribute to this include:

  • Pressure Points: At atmospheric pressure, carbon dioxide’s melting point is much higher than its sublimation point.
  • Energy Absorption: Dry ice absorbs heat from its surroundings, facilitating its transition into CO2 gas.

This is why, when you place dry ice in water, it doesn’t melt like regular ice but instead produces a dense fog of CO2.

Why Doesn’t Dry Ice Melt?

Many wonder why dry ice doesn’t melt like regular ice. The answer lies in its molecular structure and environmental conditions:

  • Atmospheric Pressure: Under normal atmospheric conditions, CO2 prefers to exist either as a gas or a solid. To see liquid CO2, one would need to create conditions of higher pressure.
  • Molecular Bonds: The bonds in CO2 are such that they break directly to form gas under standard conditions.

Understanding these scientific principles can help demystify the seemingly magical properties of dry ice.

Safe Handling and Storage

Two Man Holding Ice

Given its unique properties and potential dangers, handling and storing dry ice requires special precautions.

Protective Measures When Handling

Safety should always be a priority when dealing with dry ice. Here are some guidelines:

  • Wear Gloves: Due to its extreme cold, always use insulated gloves to handle dry ice.
  • Use Tongs: If gloves aren’t available, use tongs or other tools to pick up and move dry ice.
  • Avoid Direct Skin Contact: Prolonged contact can lead to frostbite.

Remember, while it’s fun to experiment with, dry ice is not a toy and should be treated with respect.

Storing Safely

If you’ve purchased dry ice, it’s essential to store it correctly:

  • Ventilated Area: Store dry ice in a well-ventilated area to prevent CO2 buildup.
  • Insulated Container: Use a thick styrofoam box or cooler to slow down sublimation.
  • Avoid Sealed Containers: Never store dry ice in airtight containers, as the expanding gas can cause the container to burst.


Can dry ice burn your skin?

Yes, dry ice can cause frostbite upon direct contact with the skin due to its extremely low temperature.

Is the fog produced by dry ice harmful to breathe?

In small amounts, the fog, which is CO2, is generally harmless. However, in large concentrations or confined spaces, it can displace oxygen and pose a breathing hazard.

How should I dispose of unused dry ice?

Allow it to sublimate in a well-ventilated area away from children and pets. Never dispose of it in sinks, toilets, or trash bins.

Can dry ice explode in a closed container?

Yes, as dry ice sublimates, it releases CO2 gas. If in a sealed container, the pressure can build up, leading to an explosion.

Is it safe to travel with dry ice in a car?

Yes, but ensure good ventilation. Avoid keeping dry ice in the trunk for extended periods, and crack open windows to prevent CO2 buildup.

Final Words

Dry ice, with its ethereal fog and extreme cold, has always captivated our imagination. While it serves many practical purposes, from preserving food to creating theatrical effects, it’s essential to approach it with knowledge and caution.

Ingesting or mishandling dry ice can lead to severe consequences. Always prioritize safety, and remember that while it’s fascinating, it’s not meant for consumption. Stay curious, stay safe, and let’s continue to explore the wonders of science responsibly.